Fearless The Lion & Friends Trip
Honduras 2014

The gang traveled during January 2014 to Central America.
The Team arrived in a Beautiful Country called Honduras.
Part of the Gang on picture above…
Pat Brooks, Fearless The Lion and Friends hope that these pics will show you few of the moments the Team lived in Honduras, the first Country where Fearless The Lion Stopped.
After Honduras, The Gang traveled through Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Then Panama! For now, look at some of the faces that went with the message of
Thank you to those that were part of the 2014 Trip.!
We ROAR for you and with you!
Showing part of the message using Puppets!
Kids Loved it!

Gaby and Fearless The Lion.
Two good friends that loved to spread the message of LOVE and NO FEAR in Honduras!

Fearless The Lion: Children’s books also has a curriculum that this team used during their trip to Central America: 2014.
For more information on HOW TO USE the books and additional material to guide you with activities contact us through our Contact US Link here on our page!

Gunther The Monkey multiplied in Honduras!
Wonderful group of kids!

Paws, The Elephant also multiplied… It must be a jungle message spreading there!

Fearless, Manuel and all his family came to Honduras!!!

Gaby, or Gabys!. Beautiful Young Girls!

Gaby and Gunther.
Gaby & Javier, El Mono!

Look at this awesome ladies! Two of the three most amazing nurses Alabama has and that went on our team!
They brought so much joy to the community!
Their help went beyond imagination, their skills were very well used during this 2014 Trip!
Debbie and Jan. We are glad you went!

Little girls singing!

The Gang and another Fearless Roar !!!!
If you don’t know what is the Fearless Roar, Please, Order your books now!
Kids and Adults loved doing their Fearless Roar in Central America!

Joice, another key team member that with her medical skills made this trip so much helpful to the communities where Fearless The Lion & The Gang went!

In this picture Nurse Joyce is giving some stuffed Jungle friends to some of the kids in San Francisco Area, Honduras.
Thanks for being so helpful and showing your ROAR over the kids in Honduras!

Kids with their happy faces and stuffed animals. A little gift after some activities The Team had with them.

See before opening their eyes and after! SMILE!!!!!

Know the faces of some Fearless’s Friends!
This was the other part of the gang!
Thank you for your LOVE and for ROARING with Fearless The Lion during this 2014 Trip!

NOW, It’s your TURN!
What is your Fearless Roar? To order your books and know more about Fearless The Lion and the Adventures of the Gang, Contact us!
Have a wonderful week!
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