Dear Pat, I enjoyed your book on “Fearless” you had sent me. I’m also excited to share how your book helped one of our little friends while in the hospital. I gave up  my copy to Joshua who was 9 years old in the ICU for several weeks suffering from a traumatic accident involving his liver. He needed the empowering message to be brave through this time. His family said they would always treasure your book.


Dear Pat Brooks, I  just  wanted  to take  a moment  to tell you  what  a blessing your  book, “Fearless Gets Giggle  Bubbles” has  been to my six  year old  daughter, Leanna. She was very  afraid of  starting school. We  read Fearless  over and over  the night  before  school started  and  talked  about  it  and  laughed  and  giggled and  roared over and  over. ..The  next  day was a  rough to start. But, when I  picked her  up all she aid was, ” Giggle Bubbles, ROAR!” This  book has been her security blanket for  the last  two  weeks… She  has  overcome the  immense fear  she had  at the beginning of school”


This year, a group from our church traveled to a remote poverty-stricken town in Honduras called Colomoncaqua on the El Salvador border. We had decided to take some Fearless books and do a children’s camp. Many of the children who were invited to the camp were from abusive-home situations.  At the beginning of the camp some of the children were very withdrawn and fearful.  After learning about the love of God and that one can have victory over fear, many gave their hearts to Jesus and became joyful and more confident. It was a life changer for many and one they will never forget!  They left with such excitement when the camp was over. We highly recommend this excellent series of lessons for any group of children.

Pastor Frank and Gayle Griffith

Victory Life Church